Sunday, September 22, 2024

*Introduction to Electromeric Effect*


Electromeric Effect

*Introduction to Electromeric Effect*

- The *Electromeric Effect* is a temporary effect that occurs in organic compounds when an attacking reagent interacts with the molecule. It leads to the *complete transfer of a pair of π electrons* from one atom to another in the molecule.

- This effect is significant in the presence of multiple bonds (such as C=C or C=O), and is reversed once the attacking reagent is removed.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Inductive effect applications


Negative Inductive Effect (-I Effect):

   - When an *electron-withdrawing group (EWG)* is attached to a carbon chain, it pulls electron density away from the chain. This leads to a decrease in electron density along the chain.

   - Example: ( C - C δ+++ -- C δ++ -- C δ+-- A δ-) 

     - Here, A is an electron-withdrawing group, causing a partial positive charge buildup on the adjacent carbons as electron density is pulled towards A.

 *-I Effect Order:* 


- F > Cl > Br > I 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

*Inductive Effect in Organic Chemistry*


General Concepts of Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry:

“Branch of chemistry which deals with carbon compounds and its derivatives.”

Carbon (abundant ) → Tetravalent (4 bonds)

Organic Reactions:

Chemical reactions that are undergone by organic compounds .

Factors that determine the reactivity of organic reactions:

  • Inductive effect
  • Hyperconjugation
  • Resonance (Mesomeric effect)
  • Electromeric effect

Nomenclature of Alkanes (IUPAC Rules)

  Nomenclature of Alkanes (IUPAC Rules) : The IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) system provides systematic rules ...