Sunday, September 29, 2024

Resonance/Mesomeric Effect:


Resonance/Mesomeric Effect:

The resonance or mesomeric effect refers to the polarity produced in a molecule as a result of interaction two π-bonds or between a π-bond and a lone pair of electrons. This effect operates through π-electron delocalization and is transmitted along a chain of conjugated bonds.


This is the movement of electrons in a molecule where the electrons can shift between atoms or bonds. This shift of electrons creates resonance structures, leading to stabilization.


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Resonance Concept and its rules


Resonance Concept:

The process in which different Lewis structures can be written for a compound which involve identical positions of atoms is called resonance. The actual structure of a compound is considered to be a weighted average of all the contributing structures. The representation of real structures as a weighted average of two or more contributing structures is called resonance. These structures are also called resonance contributing structures or canonical forms. The actual structure is a resonance hybrid of all these structures. The resonance hybrid resembles each of the contributing structures but is identical to none of them.


A double-headed arrow (↔) is placed between each pair of contributing structures. For example, there are various contributing structures of benzene:

Sunday, September 22, 2024

*Introduction to Electromeric Effect*


Electromeric Effect

*Introduction to Electromeric Effect*

- The *Electromeric Effect* is a temporary effect that occurs in organic compounds when an attacking reagent interacts with the molecule. It leads to the *complete transfer of a pair of π electrons* from one atom to another in the molecule.

- This effect is significant in the presence of multiple bonds (such as C=C or C=O), and is reversed once the attacking reagent is removed.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Inductive effect applications


Negative Inductive Effect (-I Effect):

   - When an *electron-withdrawing group (EWG)* is attached to a carbon chain, it pulls electron density away from the chain. This leads to a decrease in electron density along the chain.

   - Example: ( C - C δ+++ -- C δ++ -- C δ+-- A δ-) 

     - Here, A is an electron-withdrawing group, causing a partial positive charge buildup on the adjacent carbons as electron density is pulled towards A.

 *-I Effect Order:* 


- F > Cl > Br > I 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

*Inductive Effect in Organic Chemistry*


General Concepts of Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry:

“Branch of chemistry which deals with carbon compounds and its derivatives.”

Carbon (abundant ) → Tetravalent (4 bonds)

Organic Reactions:

Chemical reactions that are undergone by organic compounds .

Factors that determine the reactivity of organic reactions:

  • Inductive effect
  • Hyperconjugation
  • Resonance (Mesomeric effect)
  • Electromeric effect

Nomenclature of Alkanes (IUPAC Rules)

  Nomenclature of Alkanes (IUPAC Rules) : The IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) system provides systematic rules ...