Sunday, October 29, 2023

Relationship between Homogeneous Equilibrium and the Law of Mass Action (Part C)

 Relationship between Homogeneous Equilibrium and the Law of Mass Action (Part C)::

Case C- In gaseous reaction when no of moles decreases:

To understand this case, suppose the formation of ammonia by Haber Process


t=0             a               b                                           0

t=eq       (a-x)            (b-3x)                                    2x

Suppose “x” moles of N2 are converted to product then, 3x moles of H2 are consumed to give the 2x moles of NH3 .

Total no of moles “N” for this reaction is (a-x)+ (b-3x)+2x  =   (a+b-2x) 

Expression for Kc:

[N2] = (a-x)/V

[H2] = (b-3x)/V

[NH3] = 2x/V

Put the values in Kc expression

Kc =   [NH3]2                 


Kc =              [2x/V]2                       

       [(a-x)/V][ (b-3x)/V] 3

Kc =           4x2V2                      


If the V of the reaction mixture is increased, the x has to be decreased to keep the equilibrium constant and reaction goes towards the backward direction.

Expression for Kp:

According to Dalton theory,

pi = XiP        we know that  Xi =  n/N

PN2 = (a-x) P


PH2 = (b-3x) P


PNH3 = (2x)  P


Put the values in Kp expression

Kp =     P NH32               

          PN2 (PH2)3


                    (2x)2 P2

Kp =          [(a+b-2x)] 2                

          (a-x) P   [(b-3x) ] 3 P3

         (a+b-2x) [(a+b-2x)]3


Kp =       4x2(a+b-2x)2                                    

           (a-x)(b-3x)3 P2


Expression for Kx:

XN2 =   (a-x)


XH2 =   (b-3x)


XNH3 =   (2x)  


Put the values in Kx expression

Kx =        X NH32               

             XN2 (XH2)3


Kx=          [(a+b-2x)] 2                

          (a-x)       [(b-3x) ]3

        (a+b-2x)  [(a+b-2x)]3

Kx =            4x2(a+b-2x)2                      


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